Monday, July 26, 2010

The Intro


Hello world, I am Fiery, a pickup artist who decided that my knowledge and creativity was so valuable that I had to share it with the rest of the world. So about me: I started as the most A of the AFCs; I had minimal contact with women, an extremely late first kiss, and little hope of improving. I'm not gonna lie, life was seriously depressing. I remember staying up late at night considering my life and wondering if there was something seriously wrong with me.


My friend decided one day to take me with him on a double date with girls he had just met (Ya I mouched off him). I didn't realize that this meeting would become one of the most important times of my life. After a night of a lot of enjoyment but me getting none :(, he told me that he had picked up those girls at the beach. Then he told me that he thought I had a shitload of potential, handed me "the game", and told me that he would teach me to be a legend, and we would be the best wingcrew the world had ever seen (cool huh?).

SO....Fastforward about two years later, hundreds of awestriking succcesses, and cringable failures later and you have me Fiery, a Pickup artist, who wants nothing more than to continue enjoying life and impart some of my knowledge to the rest of the world.

My Basic Game Philosophy

I consider there to be 7 sections of Game and they should be learned in the order presented:

inner game, opening, midgame, number closing, sealing a day 2, kiss/f closing, then postgaming

(ie making sure they dont stalk you (or you on them!) and dealing with your own emotions).

Notice I didn't say building an attractive lifestyle? I left this section out because I believe that solid inner game will force you to workout, not become a fatty, get addicted to drugs, or fail to succeed financially.

On Routines

There is a lot of talk about "natural game" versus "routine based game". I use neither. WHAT!!! I use what I call creative game. WTF is that??? I use routines but I write my own routines. This covers the problems with both halves of game: people hate on routine game because they think that it means they cant be themselves, and they hate on natural game because for an afc thinking of fun conversation topics can be next to impossible. With creative game I am myself, but I'm also prepared with things to say (sick right?).

An intro to Inner Game:

For your inner game to improve start by asking yourself a series of questions that you have to work through extremely honestly.

1st question (and one of the hardest):

why are you gaming?

Is it to get that turbo dime who has randomly brushed your arm 2.3 times in chemistry class? Is it to show that huge roidspawn from your childhood that you're better than you were then? Is it to run from all the pain of inadequacy you have felt during your life? Is it to cover some misanthropic emptiness chillin' deep in your soul? Is it so you can brag to your friends? Is it to build a relationship? Is it to find the friend you never had as a child? Is it so you can live out your scarface fantasy of being like mystery and style? Is it so you can do what I do and blog about your success with women? Or is it for joy of actually being intimate with women?

(I put the last one in bold because I think this reason is the best reason to be in this game)

Why i game: I'll be honest it is largely for my ego, slightly to impress my friends, slightly because its become a habit and addiction, slightly to cover up my youthful feeling of inadequacy, but mostly for the love of sexytime.

SEE THAT HONESTY!! Thats solid inner game, see if you can be that honest with yourself.

2nd Question::

How committed are you?

Are you content getting with that girl who has enlisted in your crew and hooking up with her for a while? Or will you not rest till you are the best pickup artist in the world?

I'm clearly pretty committed. If you are not, leave now, the following shit will only fuck with your mind.

I have a shitload more to say on inner game but for now this will do. If you want my favorite source on this topic its a pua named stormy link: ( Btw if you are reading this, you are the absolute man stormy, send me a message or something I would love to have you as a featured poster on this blog or something.


Before you start opening, have solid inner game because it takes balls to just go up and talk to girls in random places.

There are many ways to open with girls: ask their opinions on your afc life, ask them for directions then go into some routines, show them a magic trick, buy them a drink, do something absurd etc. I have found that all of these really common pickup methods SUCK, they never seem to work for me.


I call it the fiery opener. Its short, sweet, beautiful since it has my name in it, and currently about 90% effective!!!!!

I am actually seriously nervous about posting it because it is so brilliant that it could soon be used all over.

(Oh one thing before i say it....)

What I have found is that what is immensely effective is to make a girl unsure whether you are actually hitting on her until you number close her, i.e. plausible deniability. Thats really tough right...

OR IS IT!!!!!!!

Its possible with the fiery opener. At its current state, the opener requires that a friend is somewhere nearby.

Alright fuck you fiery whats the opener???

The opener is.....

Fiery: excuse me, could I ask you a favor?

Chick: sure i guess

Fiery: (theres variety here) alright so i'm in a competition with my friend, can u pretend im hitting on you for a little bit so that I can win?/ my friend says im shy with girls can you pretend i just came up to and just started talking you / my friend just bet me i wouldn't talk to you i'm not really in a mood to hit on girls but if you make it look like i'm hitting on you then ill give you half the money from the bet....etc,etc,etc.

Thats the fiery opener. You're welcome world.

Be Honest Thats the Best Opener You Have Ever Heard

As you can imagine, this opener easily gets you into midgame, and you can also easily hold plausible deniability all the way to number close as a pretense of the game.


Midgame is where you actually talk to the girl. Okay so you opened them, now prove that you are fun, confident, funny, interesting, and successful. So how do you do this...well thats quite a topic and this is only the intro so more on that later, but the basic idea is to have some interesting shit ready, to be solid at small talk and to have good body language/non-verbal communication.


So now you talked this chick up for a while how do you close? Closing basically entails noticing the signs that you are ready to ask for number/facebook/kiss/instadate etc., then going for it in an interesting and non-needy non-intimidating way.

Getting a Day 2:

So you got her number now how do you get her to hang with you again? Again this is an intro and I am getting lazy but there are a number of little tricks to get this shit to happen. Also with kiss/closing, theres too much to say in this short intro.


Now after you have made out with/fooled around with/bumped uglies with the chick how do you ensure that you guys will still be on good terms, be in a relationship, or never have to talk again (fiery's way)...Thats what this topic deals with.

WELCOME TO MY FORUM, I will post regular articles on these topics and I hope anybody else out there with game, or questions will shoot me a question on my email or on the forum.
-Stay Fiery